08 March 2008

Still stitching

I haven't given up on stitching and turned this blog into a drawing blog if anyone thought so. I'm working on my TIF piece from last month. Here's some pics to show you how it's going.

Right now I'm in that part of the process when I feel like I don't know what I'm doing. Have to carry on anyway. If I don't this thing will end up in the UFO pile. So, got to go! More stitching ahead! And drawing!


gunnelsvensson said...

Så fint du integrerar de olika tygbitaran med stygn! Mycket bra!

Sequana said...

Whatever it turns out to be, I love the design and the stitching.

Your stitches are always so even and beautiful.

Jodi @ Happy House Quilts said...

nice just came by for a visit...hope all is well...nice line drawings too!